What is Agile Project Management?

Agile Project Management DoganTech

Agile Project Management Definition

Agile project management is an iterative method which involves continuously submitting work and receiving immediate feedback to adapt to changing circumstances.

The word “agility” characterises perfectly this resilient project management technique. The pace and deliverables of a project are adapted according to the results of transparent and collaborative demo meetings with clients.

Work is divided into small batches using this method. This means action can be taken at an earlier stage rather than waiting for the final product to be launched. This helps increase both customer satisfaction and efficiency.

The Agile Values

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

  • Working software over comprehensive documentation

  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

  • Responding to change over following a plan

The 12 Agile Principles

  1. Early and continuous delivery

  2. Welcoming changing requirements

  3. Delivering working software frequently

  4. Customer collaboration

  5. Building the project around motivated individuals

  6. Face to face conversations within the team

  7. Prioritising working software over comprehensive documentation

  8. Maintaining a constant pace indefinitely

  9. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design

  10. Simplicity is essential

  11. Self-organising teams

  12. Periodic team evaluation on how to become more effective

Why use Agile Project Management?

  1. Increases communication and transparency in the team, resulting in enhanced collaboration.

  2. Enables the delivery of products aligned with changing business requirements and priorities.

  3. Garners high customer satisfaction and value delivery by providing visibility on progress, responding to customer feedback and embracing change while developing a product.

  4. Delivers a working product in shorter cycles, which helps to decrease the project risks and costs.

  5. Increases product quality by integrating testing throughout the project development lifecycle.

Let’s Get Agile!

Agile mindset cares about individuals and interactions while enhancing customer collaboration.

Increased transparency and iterative approach harmonised with collaboration results in the best outcomes.

We work Agile, we encourage Agile transformation! Book a call with us to initiate Agile transformation support to your business.

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